Sunday, August 24, 2008

work that camera!

it looks like someone else likes the camera too!

mamma and her boys...

it's been about a week for the whole family has been home.. Carter loves Caleb so much but has been wishing he could be outside a little more than mommy can take him right now.  Caleb has been sleeping through the night (other than feeding a few times) and Ash and I sure don't mind getting some sleep now.

These are a few more of the photos from before Caleb came out... Carter likes the camera, wouldn't you think?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

silhouette..big yaun  

bannan 8-14-08

a few photos

about an hour after he was born..
i'm crazy blue hat with a star on my head man..
look at me!

he's here!!

it's Sunday morning and I'm excited to be able to say there is another Bannan in the world..."Baby Bannan Boy!"  baby Caleb is now 3 days old!  He came into this world on Thursday @ 10:39 am and was 19.5 inches and was 7 lbs. 8 oz. and as hansom as could be!  ten fingers, ten toes! Ashley's nose, and my hair color... MoreMore (my mom) was able to be here in time for all the action and has been taking great care of us!

Carter loves his new baby brother so much!  he has been talking more than ever and is very proud..i think he will enjoy having someone to teach and hang out with.  strangely He is still sleeping at 10:37 am and baby Caleb is sleeping on me right now : )

Ash is feeling great even though she only had 3 hours of sleep for the first night home.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the beginning

like many things in life that we talk about doing and never actually do..i figured it was finally time to start this blog.  Ash just looked at me from the other side of the front of the house and said, "i think we're having a baby today."  Carter is still sleeping and it is 10:15...he NEVER sleeps this late...i spoke too soon...ha...he's up now.   it's 70 and sunny out, what more could one ask for?

and as for this much for a family photo..